Saturday 5 November 2022


CHIESA SAN LORENZO MAGGIORE, NAPOLI. Naples boasts a huge number of churches with amazing, well preserved historic interiors. Together they provide historic testimony to church patronage of the arts in times gone by and the money that flowed in to church coffers from private individuals and families keen to secure their place in heaven. Here's a fantastic starter which should be on any visitor's bucket list if they have a smidgeon of interest in architectural history related to the history of the city. A replaced 18th century Baroque facade, a medieval gothic nave and sanctuary, a period cloister and beneath it all an amazingly well preserved Roman Street - 2000 years old. There's even a baker's shop complete with oven. How's that for the history of a city in one building?? Blown away by this one!!! Access to the underground remains is via a staircase in one corner of the cloister - not to be confused with the next door access the underground catacombs of the city. Entrance is free unless going on a guided tour!Shame that the baroque facade of the church was under scaffolding at the time of our recent visit!

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